Three Board Games 

to Celebrate Memorial Day

At Jetan Games, we remember the brave men and women who have served our country on this Memorial Day. Their sacrifices ensure the freedoms we hold dear, and we are forever grateful. Board games can be a powerful tool to learn about military history and strategy. They can also be a way to connect with friends and family and celebrate the bonds forged through service. This Memorial Day, we encourage you to take a moment to remember those who have fallen. We also encourage you to pick up a military-themed board game and learn more about the sacrifices made by our troops.

My theory is that a love of board games often comes from a lack of skill when it comes to video games. That has certainly been the case for me. So when I heard that the popular video game Marvel Snap was based on an earlier board game called Air, Land & Sea, I was intrigued. 

In this light WWII card duel each person is trying to control at least two of the three theaters. Cards can only be played either in the Land, Sea or Air columns. But then each card has a special ability that tweaks the playing conditions, negates or enhances other cards, or otherwise breaks the rules. Winning a hand gives you six victory points, and 12 wins the game. But players can surrender early if things aren’t going their way and reduce the points given to the other player.

This is a beautifully streamlined, 18-card game that you can play in under 20 minutes. The gameplay is interesting, and reminds players of just how broadly WWII impacted the world. Recently Arcane Wonders has also added an expansion called Spies, Lies and Supplies that is compatible with the original.

Players: 2   Ages: 12+ Time: 20 Min Buy: Here

Rarely will I recommend a game that I don’t own, and have only played once. But that’s the case with Undaunted. It’s been on my wish list for a couple of years, and I just finally got a chance to play it with my son at Dice Tower West 2024. 

This is a squad-size battle on a modular board. The different units all behave as they should, and command cards dictate the action. One intriguing feature is that damage takes reserve cards out of play as you build your deck, making it harder and harder to continue the battle as the game progresses. There are dozens of versions. We played the Battle of Britain version where all the units were airplanes, but reviewers say they are all great.

Players: 2 Ages: 14+ (there is a bit of complexity) Time: 30 min Buy: Normandy version here

The game is good when you don’t need a holiday like Memorial Day to give you a reason to play. Memoir ‘44 is perhaps the best, most approachable, and gratifyingly fun military game on the market. Historical accuracy is off the charts, with each scenario containing a full description of the historical event being represented, and custom win conditions. The game simplifies the traditional hex-base war gaming down to something that even the kids can enjoy.

Units have different abilities that feel accurate. Artillery acts like artillery, tanks act like tanks and infantry units slog through the game accurately. Each time a unit is destroyed the opposing team takes the last miniature unit as a “prize” to keep score. 

One unique feature of this game is that a unit continues to fight at full strength until destroyed. The lone infantry soldier behind fortifications on the top of a hill, holding off a platoon of Panzer tanks can actually happen ~ and they might even win. 

Lots of expansions have been released on this one. There is even an Overlord version that involves more players (up to four on a side).

Players: 2 is best, but more is possible Ages: 10+ Time: 60 min Buy: here